Trey Ackers - Private Lesson

Trey Ackers wants to learn how to fly fish.

He saw me fishing on the stream in front of his private home on the Little River, Townsend TN.. I was having a great day catching and releasing a number of fish in a short hour or so while he and his friends were passing the football and hanging out enjoying the day… After some time, I noticed that I did not hear them playing anymore and I turned around to see where they went and they were filming me on the stream!! After a quick hello, Trey came over to introduce himself to me and when he learned that I teach fly fishing… he wanted a private session. We scheduled it at a mutually convenient time and I was able to spend about 4 hours with him casting and learning proper presentations for a number of flies. We caught some fish and he was hooked!! He has big plans together with his now 6 year old son to spend quality time fly fishing the region.

I love this opportunity to provide this foundation for him and his family. Like with my family, “fly fishing was the glue that bonded me with my dad” and I am proud to pass that along.


August 2023 - Trip of the Month -Fly Fishing Colorado


June 2023 - Trip of the month - Saltwater Snook on a fly