Hands-Free on the stream

Many times, while on the stream, you simply want to let go of the rod and do something that requires both hands. Many older vests allow you to do this but I have found out recently that some vest manufactures are dropping this option off their vests. They are simply cheapening the vest and still charging full price like many companies are doing these days. If your vest has a LOOP at the bottom front then this will be a solution for you. My wife was kind enough to add one on my latest vest. Here is how you can stand in the stream and have both hands free:

This works great. You simply place the rod / reel in that bottom loop and then use the Velcro Strip to hold the butt section of the rod. Here is a video I found to show this — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CStrUOsmnM


Choosing a Vest


Choosing a net